CoNPS Blog
News, Events & Nature UpdatesBrown’s Canyon National Monument Bioblitz
The bioblitz held at Browns Canyon National Monument was on June 1 to 3 . We had nearly 70 participants during the event. About 20 of those were CoNPS members (thanks to Mo Ewing for helping coordinate these folks). Other people came from the Forest Service, BLM,...
6/4/2016: CoNPS Board Votes to Support the Federal “Native Plants Advocate” Bill
The Plant Conservation Alliance has drafted a 'Native Plant Advocates' bill at the federal level. Its goal is to raise the profile of and to support native plant professionals and native plant programs at a federal level. At its board meeting on June 4, 2016, CoNPS...
6/4/16: CoNPS Comments on the North Trail Study Project in Boulder
On June 4, 2016 the Colorado Native Plant Society sent an email to the Boulder City Council supporting the east side alignment of the North Trail Connector. The Letter read as follows: June 3, 2016 Dear Boulder City Council: We are writing this letter in support of...
2016 Grants Awarded for Marr Fund
Kath Kleier announced the following winners of the 2016 Marr Grants: Jennifer Ackerfield – Colorado State University, working with Mark Simmons:A Prickly Puzzle: Phylogeny and Evolution of the Genus Cirsium in North America, $1000 Alyssa Albertson – Colorado State...
2016 Steinkemp Grant Awarded
Kath Kleier announces the grant award for the Steinkamp Fund. Zachary Cabin – University of California Santa Barbara, working with Scott Hodges:Understanding the ecological conditions favoring the radical morphological mutant Aquilegia coerulea var. daileyae. $1000...
3/14/16: CoNPS Comments on Red Rocks Junipers
On March 14, 2016, the CoNPS Board of Directors approved sending a letter to the Denver Landmark Preservation Commission opposing the removal of Junipers planted by the Citizens Conservation Corps (CCC) in 1941. To see the letter sent, click on the link below:...
12/31/15 CoNPS Comments on Boulder Open Space North Trail Project
CoNPS comments on the Boulder Open Space North Trail Study Project, expressing concern about the possible plan to construct a bike trail through an area with the endangered rare plant, Physaria bellii. CoNPS North Trail Study Project Comments A majority of the members...
2015 Pinieries Open Space Rare Plant Assessment a Grand Success
El Paso County Pinieries Open Space Rare Plant Assessment CONPS 2015 Field Study During the 2015 field season CONPS collaborated with Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Denver Botanic Gardens Colorado College and CONPS botanist members to conduct a thorough...
CoNPS Volunteers Start Pineries Inventory Project May 15, 2015
Volunteers: Steve Olson, Daryl Mergen, Susan Hall, Judy von Ahlefeldt, and Kent TimmermanCoNPS members, botanists from Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Denver Botanic Gardens, and Colorado College complete May visits to assess the status of several species of...
John Marr Grants Announced for 2015
John W. Marr Fund The John W. Marr Fund supports research on the biology of Colorado native plants and plant communities. Grantees for 2015 are: DeMasters, Carla (Rebecca Huft, DBG) Working on MS UC Denver. Using native annual/biennial forbs to...
CoNPS Supports House Bill 15-1006: Establishing a Grant Program to Manage Russian Olive and Tamerisk
A member of CoNPS has brought to the attention of the CoNPS Board and the Conservation Committee concern over a piece of legislation moving through the Colorado House of Representatives. This legislation is House Bill 15-1006, which would establish a grant program to...
November 2014: Mission Grant Awarded to Jennifer Ackerfield to Print “Flora of Colorado”
In their November 2014 board meeting, the Board of Directors decided to give a $1,000 Mission Grant to Jennifer Ackerfield's new Flora of Colorado. Jennifer has been working on this book for twelve years and it is the first full flora since Harrington's in the...
New CoNPS Publication: “Native Plants for Pollinators”
Low-Water Native Plants for Pollinators Brochure (6-8-2015)
Become a Native Plant Master®
Become a Native Plant Master® – A Program of Colorado State University Extension Learn fascinating plant facts including landscape uses of Colorado natives and other human uses. Discover how noxious weeds threaten native plants and wildlife. Learn how to use a...
2015 Steinkamp Grant Announced
Myrna P. Steinkamp Fund The Steinkamp Fund supports research on the biology of Colorado rare native plants. The Steinkemp Grant for 2015 was awarded to Wills, Brandee (Mitch McGlaughlin) First year MS student – biology. UNC, Greeley. ...
February 2014: Mission Grant Awarded to Janet Wingate to Purchase Illustrations for “Sedges of CO”
The Board of Directors awarded a $500 Mission Grant to Janet Wingate to fund the purchase of illustrations for her Carex book. The illustrations are from Flora of the Pacific Northwest by Hitchcock and Arthur Cronquist. With the purchase of these illustrations...
CoNPS Comments on the Conservation Agreement and Strategy for Graham’s Beardtongue (Penstemon grahamii) and White River Beardtongue (Penstemon scariousus var. albifluvis)
ConservationAgreement for Penstemon Grahamii and Penstemon scariosus.pdf CoNPS Public Comment on Penstemon grahamii Conservation Plan.pdf U.U Fish and Wildlife Withdraws Proposed Rule.pdf
CoNPS Comments on the State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP)
CoNPS Comments on State Wildlife Action Plan Imperiled Colorado Plant Communities
CoNPS Comments on the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
CoNPS Comments on Statewide Comprehensife Outdoor Recreation Plan
February 2014: Mission Grant Awarded to Colorado Natural Heritage Program to Enter Adopt a Rare Plant Data
At the February 1, 2014 board meeting, the board of directors voted to award a $2,000 grant to the Colorado Natural Heritage Program. The funds will be used to pay the salary of an intern to enter Adopt a Rare Plant data into the CNHP database.
July 2013 Boreas Pass Field Trip
The Boreas Pass Field Trip The Boreas Pass field trip was part of a Draba Workshop run by Steve Olson and Sheila Lamb. The Boreas Pass field trip species list was compiled by Rea Norther, based on field observations of plants seen on July 13, 2013. ...
Manitou Experimental Forest Bioblitz
The Field Studies Conducted an inventory of the Manitou Experimental Forest on June 27, 2013. The Manitou Experimental Forest lies roughly 30 miles (48 km) northwest of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Established in 1936, its 16,700 acres (6,758 ha) straddle the Trout...
BioBlitz in East Lost Park, July 24, 2012
East Lost Park BioBlitz, July 24, 2012 East Lost Park, July 24, 2012 Under the direction of Steve Olson, botanist for the Araphah Roosevelt National Forest, CoNPS volunteers and other botanists conducted a BioBlitz in East Lost Park, South Park, Colorado. The...
2011 Marr Grant: Genetic differentiation between alpine and montane populations of Viola adunca (Violaceae) in the San Juan Mountains.
JOHN W. MARR GRANT AWARDS Ross McCauley, PhD. (Assistant Professor of Biology, Herbarium Curator. Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO). Genetic differentiation between alpine and montane populations of Viola adunca (Violaceae) in the San Juan Mountains. $982...
2011 Marr Grant: Scott Smith (in cooperation with Tim Hogan, Collection Manager, University of Colorado, Boulder). Survey of the ferns and orchids of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains (Part 2). $1,000
This project is being undertaken to try and determine what ferns, fern allies and orchids exist in the Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range. This will be the second year of this survey. The first year’s survey went exceedingly well. Six new Botrychium ferns as well...
Narraguinnep Canyon 2001
The Narraguinnep Canyon species list was compiled on a Colorado Native Plant Society field trip on June 17, 2001. The trip leader and recorder was Leslie Stewart. The field trip was organized to explore Narraguinnep Canyon in Dolores County and contribute to plant...
1998 Buffalo Creek Fire Field Trip
The Buffalo Creek Fire Field Trip Sepcies List was compiled on a Colorado Native Plant Society field trip on May 30, 1998. The trip leaders were Steve Vest and Rick Brune and the recorder was Jerry Duncan. The field trip was organized to view effects of a massive fire...