Plains Stoneseed (Lithospermum incisum)

Plains Stoneseed (Lithospermum incisum)

Plains Stoneseed (Lithospermum incisum) is a native plant in the Borage Family (Boraginaceae) which is common on the plains and on open slopes and meadows, from the plains to the montane on the eastern and western slopes. Blooms from April through July. Photo by Mo...
Field Pennycress (Thlaspi arvense)

Field Pennycress (Thlaspi arvense)

Field Pennycress (Thlaspi arvense), is a non-native plant in the Mustard Family (Brasicaceae) and is common weedy plant found along roadsides, in meadows, fields, and disturbed areas, from the plains to the lower subalpine on the eastern and western slopes. It blooms...
Red Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa)

Red Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa)

Red Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa) in the Moschatel Family (Adoxaceae) is a native shrub which is common along streams, on moist slopes, and in aspen forests from the plains to the alpine on the eastern and western slopes. Blooms from May through August. Photo by Mo...
Leafy Wildparsley (Musineon divaricatum)

Leafy Wildparsley (Musineon divaricatum)

Leafy Wildparsley (Musineon divaricatum), is a native herb in the Carrot Family (Apiaceae) which is common in sandy soil on the eastern plains and occasionally in the foothills on the eastern slope, It blooms from April through June. Photo by Mo...
Flixweed (Descurainia sophia)

Flixweed (Descurainia sophia)

Flixweed (Descurainia sophia), in the Mustard Family (Brassicaceae) is a non-native flower, common in disturbed areas, fields, along roadsides and railroads, in grasslands and shrublands, from the plains to the montane on the eastern and western slopes. It blooms from...