Welcome to the Colorado Native Plant Society!

We are dedicated to the preservation of native plants in Colorado, and are so glad you found us! Browse our site to see what’s new, discover a wealth of information about our plants and habitats, events and chapters in your area, methods for native plant gardening, and ways to volunteer ‘in the field’.

Become a Member

Discover the benefits of membership in the Colorado Native Plant Society.

Field trip at Todd Gulch Fen
CoNPS booth at Boulder's Farmers Market

Join a Local Chapter

Connect with fellow nature lovers in your immediate area, and find out how you can help preserve our native plants.

CONPS Chapters for Local Connection

Find an Event

See our Calendar of Events to find a gathering or field trip near you!

Events Per Year

native plant summit speakers
a photo of a subalpine delphinium plant with a whitelined sphinx Moth

Learn About our Plants & Habitats

Find out more about the diversity of our plant zones and the native (and non-native)plants that thrive in each one.

Colorado Native Species to Discover


2022 John Marr Grant Recipients

In 2022 CoNPS awarded four John Marr Grants Kathryn Dawdy, Master’s student at Chicago Botanic Garden and Northwestern University; “The effects of advanced plant phenology on herbivory and plant demography.” $1000 Audrey Spencer, PhD student at University of Colorado...

Spring Comes to Joder Ranch

Spring Comes to Joder Ranch

Purple partners: Pulsatilla nuttalliana, commonly known as Pasqueflowers. Often found in colonies one of the first showy blooms in spring.The first flowers of the year always bring a boost of exhileration, don’t they? And when spring comes to Joder Ranch lucky...

The Gambel Oak

The Gambel Oak

The leaves of Gambel oak are pinnately  lobed at least halfway to the midrib, and are rounded. The lower leaf surface has stellate hairs, with five or fewer arms. Fall colors are vibrant!It’s no gamble at all with the Gambel oak, Quercus gambelii, which is Colorado’s...

The UN Decade of Restoration – Are You Helping?

The UN Decade of Restoration – Are You Helping?

 A multitude of insects will be feeding on this native plant, Yucca glauca, in spring, just in time for the Western Meadowlark to feed them to its nest of chicks. The majority of songbird babies must have a high-protein, easily eaten, and digestible diet of...

Aquilegia – The CONPS Magazine

CoNPS’ Aquilegia Magazine was first published in January 1977 after the first CoNPS board meeting. The magazine has been published quarterly from that date to the present.

In 2013 the magazine’s editor Jan Turner moved from the previous printed black and white format to a full-color on-line edition through our CoNPS website. Limited copies were still printed with a color cover only for members who preferred a printed copy.

Members have FREE access to digital subscriptions after logging in.

Print copies are available to everyone for $20.

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the knowledge, appreciation and conservation of native plants and habitats of Colorado through education, stewardship and advocacy.

Administration – Virtual Office

1536 Wynkoop Street, Suite 911
Denver, Co 80202

Programs HQ & Store

704 East Boulder Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Colorado Native Plant Society | Copyright 2024 | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions

Contact the CoNPS Team

Administration (virtual office)
1536 Wynkoop Street, Suite 911
Denver, Co 80202

Programs HQ & Store
704 East Boulder Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903