Prairie Violet (Viola pedatifida)

Prairie Violet (Viola pedatifida)

Prairie Violet (Viola pedatifida), Violet Family (Violaceae). Native and S2 (9mperiled in Colorado but secure globally). Found on dry grasslands and open ponderosa pine forests from plains to foothills along the Front Range on the eastern slope. Blooms April through...


A native bee heavy enough to lower the keel of a Golden banner flower, (Thermopsis divaricarpa) and receive the pollen reward. ©Carol...


Stamens of flowers in the pea family, (Fabaceae), are positioned to attach pollen to underside of bee. ©Carol...
Wolf’s Willow (Salix wolfi)

Wolf’s Willow (Salix wolfi)

Wolf’s Willow (Salix wolfi), Willow Family (Salicaceae). A native shrub, common in moist meadows, along lakes and streams, and in seepage areas, from foothills to subalpine on the eastern and western slops. Blooms Jay through June. Photo taken by Mo Ewing at...