Volunteer for the CoNPS Website
Volunteer on the Media Committee for the CoNPS website.
Provide Content
(We are always looking for creative volunteers to provide interesting content for our website.
–> We would love to have someone do short podcasts about native plants and ecosystems for our site
–> Any videos created in the chapters or committees or other CoNPS events with state-wide appeal would be welcomed
–> Each CoNPS chapter has its own page which needs to be filled with interesting announcements, articles, videos and news items about their area.
–> Every CoNPS committee has its own page that needs to be filled with interesting content such as videos on how to create a native plant garden.
–> On our Plants and Habitats page, we would love to add descriptions of new plant communities, new articles about native plants, and interesting information to add to photo plant descriptions.
Videos Tutorials for Adding Content; This section requires website access to WordPress
Login to WordPress: https://conps.org/wp-admin
Video Tutorials for Contributors: How to Create a Post (33:14)
How to Create a CoNPS eNews (22:46) How to Update What’s New Page (09:13)
Volunteer as a Contributor
Contributors are CoNPS volunteers who need to use the website to communicate with other members about chapter meetings, workshops, field trips, conservation projects and other events. Contributors may also use the website membership lists to send emails to chapter members or members on their committees. They also may assist in managing books in the bookstore and do other projects under supervision.
This category is designed for volunteers who have a job they want to accomplish on the website, but are not particularly interested in learning the finer points of the website software.
There are two major programs which run the website, WordPress and MembershipWorks (MW). MembershipWorks runs everything to do with membership and events, and WordPress runs everything else. Depending what you want to do you will either access WordPress or MembershipWorks.
Video Tutorials for Contributors:
Chapter Presidents, Committee Chairs and Event Coordinators.
This section requires website access to MembershipWorks
Login to MembershipWorks: https://membershipworks/admin/
Video Tutorials on How To: Post Announcements (7:41), Do Chapter or Committee Member Mailings (8:25)
How to Set up Events: Required Field Trip Information, Photo Release and Waiver Form,
Field Trip Policies