Research Grant Reports
2021 Myrna Steinkamp Grant Award Winners
Steinkamp Grant Recipients: Ross McCauley & Aurea Cortés-Palomec, $1550 for "Conservation genetic analysis of the rare Chapin Mesa Milkvetch (Astragalus schmolliae) from lands of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe" Alexandra Seglias, $1025 for "How does increased...
Funding for the Endangered Species Act
On February 24, 2021, the Conservation Committee signed on, along with 140 other organizations, to a community letter written by the Center for Biological Diversity and the Defenders of Wildlife, to be sent to House and Senate appropriators to significantly increase...
CoNPS Conducts Bryophyte Inventory of Lair ‘O Bear Park
On October 1, 2020, the CoNPS Bryophyte Group, called the Rocky Mountain Mossers conducted a bryophyte inventory of Lair 'O Bear Park in Jefferson County. The bryophyte group newly formed during the 2020 Covid pandemic conducted their first bryophyte inventory at...
Colors of Winter: Colorado Native Plants
Mahonia repens, brilliant in the winter snow.Plant people can go a little nuts in winter, it just can’t be denied. We know of course, that our beloved plants are just taking the necessary precautions to survive winter, and to be prepared for magnificent spring when...
Mountain Mahogany: What’s in a Name?
In the case of Mountain Mahogany, not much! Cancel any images of grand and stately trees bravely crowning mountaintops, this Colorado native rarely reaches 16 feet. And, partly because it is a favorite browse-snack for deer and elk, its stature is more contorted than...
Mission Grant Award Winner – Spring 2020
Spring 2020 Mission Grant Awarded to Jennifer Bousselot to Continue Research on Green Roofs The CoNPS Mission Grant Committee made a follow-up award of $750.00 to Jennifer Bousselot to support continuation of a multi-year project assessing green roof effects on...
2020 Alice Eastwood Scholarship Awarded
2020 Alice Eastwood Scholarship Recipient: Grace E. Gardner (Biology, Colorado Mesa University). $950. Grace, our inaugural recipient of an Alice Eastwood Scholarship, is interested in pursuing a career in sustainable agriculture. This has been...
2020 John Marr Grant Awards
The CoNPS Research Grants Committee has Chosenthe Recipients for the 2020 John Marr Research Grants Courtenay Ray $850 for: “Demographic response to climate change in the Rocky Mountain alpine” Emily Mooney $850 for: “How native host plant variation shapes a...
A Tribute to William Weber
We couldn’t fit the entirety of Ron’s heart-warming tribute to Dr. Weber in the Spring issue of Aquilegia, but you can read it all below. Mary Menz, managing editorA Tribute: William A. Weber William A. Weber (1918–2020), world renowned botanist and eminent Colorado...
CoNPS Comments on Jefferson County Conservation Plan
On May 11, 2020 CoNPS commented on the Jefferson County Parks Conservation Plan.