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Virtual Recordings of the CoNPS 2021 Annual Conference
“Short Grass Prairie & A Long Look Back”

Now you can purchase individual links to videos of all the presentations at the 45th Annual CoNPS Conference which was held in Trinidad, Colorado on September 11, 2021.

Upon completing your registration, you will see what your your ticket looks like,
and it will be emailed to you immediately with a master link to a playlist of all videos.

Here is a schedule of the presentations given at the conference:

Opening Comments by CoNPS NEW Executive Director, Maggie Gaddis

Southern Colorado Land Acknowledgement – Incantations by Melody Daugherty

Telling the story of the land – Ranches of the Southeast – Eric & Mary Beth Tucker, Ordway, CO / Steve & Joy Wooten, Beatty Canyon Ranch, Kim, CO – two videos by a new-wave rancher, and a historical rancher using sustainable ranching practices.

Telling the story of the waters – Arkansas River Watershed – Alli Schuch, Julie Knudson. Alli tells of their organization and its programs protecting the watershed. NOTE: Julie Knudson’s video is not included as the raw footage was damaged.

Research applications – Recovery of Salix following Tamarix removal – Alex Goetz, University of Denver. Graduate work outlining steps taken for Tamarix removal and its effectiveness.

Preserving the knowledge, educating the next generation – CSU Extension Native Plant Master Program – Susan Carter, Deryn Davidson, Irene Shonle. A lively, sequential explanation of the program and why you would want to participate and take the course.

Research applications – Natural history collections at the nexus of past and future: How floristic inventories can spur successful ecological research on the Eastern Plains – Chrissy Alba. Chrissy talks of her work at Denver Botanic Gardens; relates some research pulling together the plants and their curation.

Preserving the knowledge, taxonomy updates- Second edition updates to Flora of Colorado – Jennifer Ackerfield. The imitable Jennifer tells of new changes of our flora incorporated into her Second Edition of the book.

Volunteer Appreciation – Kathy Okon & Denise Wilson each pay tribute to our volunteers and the programs that they make happen for CoNPS.

Engaging the community for our ecological future together – Pollinator Districts – Amy Yarger, Melody Daugherty. How these new organizations are assisting native pollinators regionally.

Engaging the community with scientific pursuits – Budburst/CoNPS Citizen Science – Ann Grant, Paul Alaback. Ann explains the history of Budburst and how individuals can be involved by using the iNaturalist app.

Research applications – Active revegetation in the Garden of the Gods with native species, citizen scientists, and no supplemental water – Maggie Gaddis. Hands-on how the restoration got done.
