Myrna Steinkamp Grant Recipients

2023 Myrna Steinkamp Grant Award Winners

William Petry, Assistant Professor NC-State, “Fusing data sources across spatial scales for holistic demographic monitoring of the Avery Peak Twinpod (Physaria alpina)”: $1000
My-Lan Le, Master’s student at UC-Denver and Denver Botanic Garden, “Environmental Variation and Reproductive Ecology of a rare, endemic alpine plant (Physaria alpina): $1000

2022 Myrna Steinkamp Grant Award Winners

2022 Myrna Steinkamp Grant Award Winners

  • Tiffany Gentry, Master’s student, University of Colorado Denver; “Inferring the phylogeny of Eutrema penlandii to inform conservation measures and understand the biogeographical history of the Rocky Mountains.” $1000
  • Deannah Neupert, Ph.D. student, Miami of Ohio; “Floral production in Mimulus gemmiparus.” $700
  • Jennifer Ackerfield, Denver Botanic Gardens; Pam Smith, Colorado Natural Heritage Program; Anthony Massaro, Jefferson County Open Space; and Mit McGlaughlin, University of Northern Colorado, “Mystery of the Misidentified Mustard.” $1000

2021 Myrna Steinkamp Grant Award Winners

Steinkamp Grant Recipients:

Ross McCauley & Aurea Cortés-Palomec, $1550 for “Conservation genetic analysis of the rare Chapin Mesa Milkvetch (Astragalus schmolliae) from lands of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe”

Alexandra Seglias, $1025 for “How does increased temperature resulting from climate change affect the growth, reproduction, and survival of two rare Colorado alpine plants?”

Andrew Gaier, $1000 for Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on a Rare Endemic Chasmophyte (Telesonix jamesii)

Denise Wilson, $500 for “Quantifying Epipactis gigantea Seed Set Within Plots Subjected to Three Canada Thistle Eradication Methods”

2020 Myrna Steinkamp Grant Award Winners

The CoNPS Research Grants Committee has Chosen the Recipients for the 2020 Myrna Steinkamp Research Grants


Bronwyn Taylor $1,000 for: “The reproductive ecology of Astragalus microcymbus

Emily Orr $1,000 for: “Population genomic analysis of the rare, narrow endemic Astragalus microcymbus

Haley Carter $1,000 for: “Linalool production in Oenothera harringtonii (Onagraceae): From genome to gene-flow”

2019 Myrna Steinkamp Grant Award Winner

 The CoNPS Research Grants Committee has Chosen the Recipients for the 2019 Myrna Steinkamp Research Grants

Denise Wilson – $1,000

“Monitoring Epipactis gigantea Populations Within Plots Subjected to Three Canada Thistle Eradication Methods.
This adjunct study supported a project by Peak Ecological, collecting data in 2018 – 2021. The grant funded an additional seed set study, as part of an existing long-term study to assess climate change on the reproduction of Epipactis gigantea, the stream orchid, in an open space area near Carbondale, CO. We took advantage of the data set from Peak, which included the presence of ramets, and the number of leaves and flowers each year in six permanently marked plots.

Congratulations Denise!  We look forward to reading about the results of your research in future issues of Aquilegia !

2018 Myrna Steinkamp Research Grants Awarded

The CoNPS Research Grants Committee has announced the grant awards for the 2018 field season.  Steinkamp grants are given for research projects studying rare plants in Colorado.  Two grants were awarded.

A $1,000 grant was given to Ronald Abbott studying “Shoot Production in the Rare Alpine Calciphile Saussurea weberi“.

 A $1,000 grant was given to Jennifer Ackerfield Assistant Curator and Ph.D. candidate at Colorado State University studying  “The Evolution, Identification, and Protection of Colorado’s Rare Thistles”.

2017 Steinkamp Research Grant Awarded

Steinkamp Grant Awarded:

In 2017 a Myrna Steinkamp Grant of $1,000 was awarded to Richie Hum $1000 to study “Genetic Analysis of Aliciella penstemonoides using Microsatellite Markers”

2016 Steinkemp Grant Awarded

Kath Kleier announces the grant award for the Steinkamp Fund.

Zachary Cabin – University of California Santa Barbara, working with Scott Hodges:
Understanding the ecological conditions favoring the radical morphological mutant Aquilegia coerulea var. daileyae. $1000


2015 Steinkamp Grant Announced

Myrna P. Steinkamp Fund
The Steinkamp Fund supports research on the biology of Colorado rare native plants.    The Steinkemp Grant for 2015 was awarded to Wills, Brandee (Mitch McGlaughlin) First year MS student – biology.  UNC, Greeley.  Population structure and resolving taxonomic synonymy of Phacelia submutica using ITS and NADH sequences.  $1,000