Research Grant Reports

CoNPS Comments on Bears Ears Fuel Reduction Plan

In reviewing the Project and Documentation (PAD) for this project, Brad Klafehn notes that there is no mention of relevant documents produced by Colorado’s only comprehensive source of information on the status and location of Colorado’s rarest and most threatened...

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First Hints of Spring – Willow Trees in Flower

First Hints of Spring – Willow Trees in Flower

Flowers on willow trees are usually dioecious, or with female flowers on one tree and male flowers on others. The male flowers as pictured here can be quite colorful.In our snowy and variable spring this year the bright yellow and orange colors of willow twigs  were...

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April 23, 2023 General Board Meeting

General Board Meeting of the Colorado Native Plant SocietySunday, April 23, 4:00-5:00pmDRAFT MinutesPresent: Alex Crochet (at large), Alex Smith (at large), Amy Yarger, Ann Grant (OC/ Northern Chapter),Barb Valenti (SE Chapter), Deryn Davidson (at large/ OC), Gwen...

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A Unique Native Shrub for Shade: Creeping Barberry

A Unique Native Shrub for Shade: Creeping Barberry

When talking about native plants for landscaping or restoration we normally think of colorful flowers that can grow well out in the sun in dry landscapes. But ecologists learned long ago that diversity and ecological function in most places is tied to a diversity of...

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Challenges of Being a Wildflower in Early Spring

Challenges of Being a Wildflower in Early Spring

By Paul Alaback, Professor Emeritus of Ecology, University of Montana How can early spring wildflowers produce seeds when it is so cold and pollinators are scarce? I have been following the parade of flowers that emerge each spring for many years. It is usually quite...

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CoNPS Comments on Clinton Gulch Reservoir Expansion

  April 7, 2023 Benjamin Wilson, Senior Project ManagerUS Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District400 Rood Avenue, Room 224Grand Junction, CO 81501-2520 Re: PUBLIC NOTICE: SPK-2014-00518 Clinton Gulch Reservoir Expansion Project Dear Mr. Wilson, Thank you...

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Great Galls!

Great Galls!

This time of year exploring around our grasslands and forests you can see many interesting things relating to native plants even before the official growing season starts. For example the other day I saw these galls on a bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) that are called...

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Peatland Seeps in Northwest Colorado

Peatland Seeps in Northwest Colorado

This article is re-printed here from The Bog Blogger, with the kind permission of Grant McKown, author, and Sarah Dodgin, blog owner. Great photos all by Mr. Mckown.  My crew and I were expecting a nice graminoid meadow – one that had been flooded early on in the...

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Yes, You Can Prairie Up!

Yes, You Can Prairie Up!

You’ve been yearning to design a garden, yard, or meadow space but can’t seem to get a grip on which plants to include or how to design the site. Or maybe you’re in the middle of planning one of those spaces but myriad choices have you frozen with indecision. Help has...

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