Rocky Mountain Lower Montane-Foothill Shrubland

Rocky Mountain Lower Montane-Foothill Shrubland

Rocky Mountain Lower Montane-Foothill Shrubland Upper Greasewood Creek, Rio Blanco County Lower Montane – Foothill Shrubland In Colorado, altitude plays a dominant role in determining where one finds different plant communities. At the lowest altitudes, the...
Foothills Riparian Woodland

Foothills Riparian Woodland

Lower Montane-Foothill Riparian Woodland & Shrubland Genesee Park, Jefferson County Foothills riparian woodlands Foothills riparian woodland zones are diverse in terms of water sources. In some locations, these woodland communities grow near ponds or lakes while in...
Foothills Gambel Oak Shrublands

Foothills Gambel Oak Shrublands

Rocky Mountain Gambel Oak Mixed Mountain Shrublands South Valley Park, Jefferson County Gambel Oak Shrublands Gambel Oak (Quercus gambelii) is commonly found along the foothills of the Front Range in southern Colorado and throughout the foothills and lower montane...