Contact the CoNPS Team

Administration (virtual office)
1536 Wynkoop Street, Suite 911
Denver, Co 80202

Programs HQ & Store
704 East Boulder Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Conservation Committee 2017 Report

CoNPS/NPCC Meeting, January 2017 – Mo Ewing, Dawn Welles, Linda Smith, Jenny Neale met with Emily Roberson of NPCC at DBG. She expressed her goals for her group, and how we can help. Dawn Welles is following up with Emily regarding the Important Plant Areas, similar to Important Bird Areas, that Emily wants to get established (1-3 IPAs per state).

Annual Committee Brainstorming Meeting, February 23, 2017, in LaFayette. Group decided to focus on advocacy and phenology. Restoration will be separate committee from Conservation and Horticulture.

CPW Wildlife and Habitat Roundtable Meetings– Brad Klafehn and Dawn Welles represented CoNPS Conservation Committee. No issues regarding native plants have been raised yet.

Conservation Corner Articles:

Winter – Conserving CO’s Native Plants, Linda Smith

Spring – The Botany Bill, Denise Wilson

Summer – no article (no room)

Fall – Native Plant Conservation Campaign History, Emily Roberson

Upcoming – Winter 2018 – Ranching and Conservation, the Private Option, Mo Ewing

Comment Letters/Issues Signed on with other Agencies:
The Botany Bill – HR #1054 – Support (Mo Ewing)
CoNPS Comments on Fossil Creek Natural Areas Management Plan (Renee Galeano-Popp)
CoNPS Comments on Rio Grande National Forest Management Plan (Mo Ewing)

Wheels Over Wilderness – HR #1349 – Oppose
Endangered Species Act Riders in FY2018 Appropriations – HR #3354 – Oppose

Miscellaneous Projects Completed: (Linda Smith)

Home Page Column “Conservation Updates”, and Committee Updates in the bi-monthly CoNPS Enews kept current with upcoming, important state-wide advocacy opportunities

Compiled the condensed 3-page report “Conservation Involvement of other Native Plant Societies within the US” that includes links to many very good advocacy publications so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Compiled 7-page report of links (to be placed on our Conservation Committee webpage before the end of 2017) for public agencies, NGOs, etc., info about land planning meetings, review of government documents, oil and gas leases, drilling, development, etc. Also a section of links to resources which will make it as easy as possible for our members and general public to learn about and respond to issues ranging from local to federal.

Spreadsheet developed containing contact info for all public land organizations and agencies in Colorado. (ongoing)

Report compiled and submitted to Committee Chair of possible projects for Committee.

Conference call on Friday with NPCC Affiliates to report 2017 CoNPS successes.

Conservation Committee Goals for 2018:
Work with other groups to make progress on getting a state statute. We will be emailing the other NPSs to see if they have any knowledge of how it was accomplished in their state, and if and how they helped?

Develop a core group of volunteers:

Provide advocacy assistance for chapters
Conservation advisory sub-committee – comment letters (help write, or advice)

Update our Committee goals and functions from the bylaws.

Set up another “Reading/Working with Government Documents” workshop like Brian Kurzel’s webinar a few years ago.
Help CoNPS figure out where pollinators, phenology and noxious weeds fit in with the Society’s goals, working with the Strategic Planning Team and other Committee Chairs.

Create an advocacy handbook for our members – how to advocate for native plants; and an informational brochure for the general public “Conservation Awareness for Native Plants”.