CoNPS Supports the Use of Native Plants in NRCS Revegetation Projects
April 25, 2019 Kevin Norton Acting Associate Chief USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250 Re: Docket Number NRCS-2019-0003-0001 The undersigned organizations, representing conservation, wildlife, and agriculture...April 5, 2019: CoNPS Comments on Amendments to the Clean Water Act
On April 5, 2019 CoNPS wrote a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency strongly opposing the removal of wetlands, fens, small headwater streams, and ephemeral/intermittent drainage waters from EPA regulation through the clean water act. The letter follows...2019 Myrna Steinkamp Grant Award Winner
The CoNPS Research Grants Committee has Chosen the Recipients for the 2019 Myrna Steinkamp Research Grants Denise Wilson – $1,000 “Monitoring Epipactis gigantea Populations Within Plots Subjected to Three Canada Thistle Eradication Methods.This adjunct...