Serviceberry: A Shrub for All Seasons

Serviceberry: A Shrub for All Seasons

Serviceberry flowers have distinctive long narrow petals and clustered in racemes, leaves are oblong to rounded, with teeth mostly at tip. Late May is a special time of year for many of us.  It’s the beginning of the gardening season, and a good time to have outdoor...
Growing Native Plants in Containers

Growing Native Plants in Containers

Yes, you can plant natives in containers! You can attract birds, butterflies, and native bees with them, too. And as you build your container garden you will also be contributing to the corridors of connectivity that environmentalists are trying to encourage...
Grateful for the Colorado Native Plant Society

Grateful for the Colorado Native Plant Society

The year 2023 did not always carry good news, but one star always shone brightly for me, and that was the activity of the Colorado Native Plant Society. Throughout our beautiful state there were opportunities to hike, to learn, to write, to gather seeds, and to help...
A Unique Native Shrub for Shade: Creeping Barberry

A Unique Native Shrub for Shade: Creeping Barberry

When talking about native plants for landscaping or restoration we normally think of colorful flowers that can grow well out in the sun in dry landscapes. But ecologists learned long ago that diversity and ecological function in most places is tied to a diversity of...
The Gambel Oak

The Gambel Oak

The leaves of Gambel oak are pinnately  lobed at least halfway to the midrib, and are rounded. The lower leaf surface has stellate hairs, with five or fewer arms. Fall colors are vibrant! It’s no gamble at all with the Gambel oak, Quercus gambelii, which is Colorado’s...