Two-tailed Swallowtail (Papilio multicaudata)
Two-tailed Swallowtail (Papilio multicaudata) is found in Western North America and is a large butterfly with yellow wings with black striping. Like other yellowtails, it has orange eye spots near the lower angle of each hind wing, which is designed to fool predators...
Ornate Checkered Beetle (Trichodes ornatus)
Ornate Checkered Beetle (Trichodes ornatus) occurs from Alaska and Western Canada down the Rocky Mountain States to Western Mexico. This beetle mates and the female lays her eggs on flowers frequented by bees. The larvae hatch and attach themselves to the back of...
Rocky Mountain Parnassian (Parnassius swintheus)
Male Rocky Mountain Parnassian, Parnassius smintheus (Papilionidae), is found in open meadows, forests and grasslands in New Mexico, north through Colorado and the Rocky Mountains into Southwest Alaska. It feeds on the nectar of the flowers of many stonecrop (Sedum)...