Aquilegia coerulea ssp forma daileyae

Aquilegia coerulea ssp forma daileyae

Spurless Colorado Columbine (Aquilegia coerulea ssp. forma daileyae), Hellebore Family (Helleboraceae); grows in meadows and along streams and in forests from plains to the alpine; blooms June to August. Even though this is the spurless form of Aquilegia coerulea, it...
Inland Sedge (Carex interior)

Inland Sedge (Carex interior)

Inland Sedge (Carex interior), Sedge Family (Cyperaceae), common, growing in moist meadows, fens and along streams from the plains to the montane on the Eastern and Western Slope of Colorado. Blooms from May through August. Photo taken by Loraine...
Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia)

Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia)

Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia), Campanulaceae (Bellflower Family). Native, common in dry, rocky soil of slopes and meadows from the foothills to the alpine on the Eastern and Western slopes of Colorado. Blooms in June to August The family and genus names,...
Lanceleaf Moonwort (Botrychium lanceolatum)

Lanceleaf Moonwort (Botrychium lanceolatum)

Lance-leaf Moonwort (Botrychium lanceolatum), Adder’s Tongue Family (Ophioglossaceae), native and common but easily overlooked in montane and subalpine meadows, openings in forests and on rocky slopes on the Eastern and Western slopes of Colorado. Photo by...