Ciliate Hedwig’s Moss (Hedwigia ciliata)

Ciliate Hedwig’s Moss (Hedwigia ciliata)

Ciliate Hedwig’s Moss (Hedwigia ciliata), is a moss in the Hedwigiaceae Family. It is a very common species in Colorado which almost always is found growing on granite rocks and cliffs in the foothills (to the alpine) where it forms patches of sprawling stems...
Silvery Bryum Moss (Bryum argenteum)

Silvery Bryum Moss (Bryum argenteum)

Silvery Bryum Moss (Bryum argenteum), Bryaceae Family. Grows from plains to alpine. This is a common species found in cracks in sidewalks but also sometimes found in cliff crevices and other dry, exposed, sandy or gravelly places. It is easily identified as the leaves...
Marsupella sphacelata liverwort

Marsupella sphacelata liverwort

Marsupella sphacelata is a liverwort in the Jungermanniaceae Family is an uncommon liverwort with the common name in Great Britain of Speckled Rustwort, probably because its color which is greenish-brown to rust brown. It is usually prostrate growing in mats. In...
Umbrella Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha)

Umbrella Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha)

Umbrella Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha) is a large liverwort in the Marchantiaceae Family that grows in the form of a rosette of thalli with forked branches. It green, turning brown with age. The common name comes from the shape of its reproductive structures...
Lophozia incisa liverwort

Lophozia incisa liverwort

Lophozia incisa is a common liverwort in the Lophoziaceae Family which is found primarily in montane and subalpine coniferous forests, and occasionally in the alpine. It can be recognized using just a hand lens by it’s pale green color that are shaped like...