Orange Sneezeweed (Hymenoxys hoopesii)
Orange Sneezeweed (Hymenoxys hoopserii), Aster Family (Asteraceae) is a native species common in moist places along streams, in meadows, and on open slopes, from the foothills to the subalpine on the eastern and western slopes. Blooms from June througg August. Photo...
Little Sedge (Carex magellanica)
Little Sedge (Carex magellanica), Sedge Family (Cyperaceae) is a native graminoid found along creeks and lake shores, and in bogs and moist meadows, from the montane to the alpine on the eastern and western slopes. Blooms from July through September. Photo by Loraine...
Mud Sedge (Carex limosa)
Mud Sedge (Carex limosa), Sedge Family (Cyperaceae) is a native graminoid found in fens and moist meadows, along streams and ponds margins, and forming mats in the middle of lakes, from montane to alpine on the eastern and western slopes. Blooms from July through...