Purple Mustare (Chorispora tenella)

Purple Mustare (Chorispora tenella)

Purple Mustard (Chorispora tenella), Mustard Family (Brassicaceae) is an introducd, common weedy plant found on open slopes, along roadsides, in fields, vacant lots, and in other disturbed areas from the plains to the montane on the eastern and western slopes. Blooms...
Parry’s Primrose (Primula parryi)

Parry’s Primrose (Primula parryi)

Parry’s Primrose (Primula parryi), Primrose Family (Primulaceae), native and common along streams, in moist meadows, and in the alpine from montane to alpine on the Eastern and Western Slopes. Blooms from June through August. Photo by Loraine...
Sudetic Lousewort (Pedicularis sudetica ssp. scopulorum)

Sudetic Lousewort (Pedicularis sudetica ssp. scopulorum)

Sudetic Lousewort (Pedicularis sudetica ssp. scopulorum), Broomrape Family (Orobanchaceae) is found in bogs and marshes, moist meadows, and tundra, in subalpine and alpine areas on the eastern and western slopes. It blooms from June through August. This species is...
Rocky Mountain Monkey Flower (Erythranthe gemmiparus)

Rocky Mountain Monkey Flower (Erythranthe gemmiparus)

Rocky Mountain Monkey Flower (Erythranthe gemmipara), Lopseed Family (Phrymaceae) is critically imperiled globally (G1) and a Colorado endemic (S1) species with only eight known populations. It grows on shady ledges and overhangs, seepage areas, and rocky outcrops,...
Brook Saxifrage (Micranthes odontoloma)

Brook Saxifrage (Micranthes odontoloma)

Brook Saxifrage (Micranthes odontoloma), Saxifrage Family (Saxifragaceae), is a common species which grows in moist soil along streams and around lakes, from the foothills to alpine on the eastern and western slopes. Blooms from July through September. Photo by...