Alpine Brittlegill (Russula nana)
Alpine Brittlegill (Russula nana) in the Russulaceae family is a native with bright red, very conspicuous cap. The pure white blades on the stem are quite tight and thick. It has a slight aroma of vanilla but is not edible. It grows primarily in moss under willows,...
Hanging Garden Coolwort (Sullivantia hapemanii var purpusii)
Hanging Garden Coolwort (Sullivantia hapemanii var. purpusii), Saxifrage Family (Saxifragaceae) is a rare plant considered vulnerable in Colorado and Globally (G3S3). It grows in hanging gardens and on wet cliffs, known from Garfield, Gunnison, Montrose, Pitkin, and...
Armeria (Armeria maritima subsp. sibirica)
Armeria (Armeria maritima subsp. sibirica) in the Plumbago Family (Plumbaginaceae), a critically imperiled subspecies in Colorado (S1) that grows in the alpine tundra, usually in wet soil near streams, known only from Park and Summit Counties. The subspecies is secure...