Boulder Raspberry (Rubus deliciosus)

Boulder Raspberry (Rubus deliciosus)

Common in canyons, along streams, on rocky hillsides, and growing in cracks of boulders, scattered along the Front Range and from the western slope near Unaweep Canyon (Mesa Co.), cultivated elsewhere, 4400-11,000 ft. May-Aug. E/W. Photo by Mo...
Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)

Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)

Cultivated and escaping along the Front Range, or native on floodplains of rivers or along the margins of lakes on the eastern plains, 3400-6000 ft. April-May. E. Photo by Mo...
Plains Pricklypear Cactus (Opuntia polyacantha)

Plains Pricklypear Cactus (Opuntia polyacantha)

Plains Pricklypear Cactus (Opuntia polyacantha), in the Cactus Family (Cactaceae), is a native plant which is common and widespread throughout the state in dry, open places from the plains to the lower montane on the eastern and western slopes. Its flowers range from...