

Wood Lily (Lilium philadelphicum), Lily Family (Liliaceae), S3 (secure globally, vulnerable in Colorado), grows in the plains to foothills on the Eastern and Western Slopes of Colorado in moist, shaded forests and meadows., Photo by Ed...
2020 Photo Contest, 3rd Place (tie), Native Plant Category

2020 Photo Contest, 3rd Place (tie), Native Plant Category

Fairy Slipper (Calypso bulbosa), Orchid Family (Orchidaceae), S3 (Vulnerable in Colorado). Grows under pin and spruce trees in moist, shaded forests and along streams from foothills to subalpine on the Eastern and Western Slopes. Blooms from May through July., photo...
2020 Photo Contest,  3rd Place (tie), Landscape Category

2020 Photo Contest, 3rd Place (tie), Landscape Category

2020 Photo Contest, 3rd Place (tie), Landscape Category, “Summit Lake Landscape with Bistort (Polygonum bistortoides) and Alpine Avens (Geum rossi)”, photo by Dina Baker. Summit lake is a tarn (alpine lake), located 12,836 feet in a glacial cirque on the...