Northern Blue Butterfly (Plebejus idas ssp sublevine)
Family: Lycaenidae Subfamily: Polyommatinae Identification: Geographically variable. Upperside of male iridescent blue, female brown with orange submarginal spots. Below, hindwing has a thin black line along outer margin which is broken into small dots at vein ends....
Threenerved Daisy (Erigeron-subtrinervis) and Bronze Copper (Lycaena hyllus)
Threenerved Daisy (Erigeron-subtrinervis), the Aster Family (Asteraceae), is common in mountain meadows and forests, typically in drier places than E. speciosus, 6000-12,500 ft. June-Sept. E/W. Lycaena hyllus, the bronze copper, is a butterfly the lycaenids family...
Blue Copper (Lycaena heteronea)
Blue copper (Cymopteris terebinthinus var petraeus. Photo by...