Cladonia is a genus of moss-like lichens in the family Cladoniaceae. There are 114 species that have been collected in Colorado. They are the primary food source for reindeer/caribou. Cladonia species are of economic importance to reindeer-herders, such as the Sami in...
Pincushion Beardtongue (Penstemon procerus var procerus) Common in forest openings, meadows, and along streams, 7000-12,000 ft. June-Aug. E/W. Photo by Bob...
Moffatt’s Penstemon (Penstemon moffatii) Found on dry, open slopes, in sandy or clay soil, from Garfield, Mesa, Montezuma, Montrose, and San Miguel Cos., 4300-6800 ft. May-June. W. Photo by Bob...