Steppe Screw Moss (Syntrichia caninervis)

Steppe Screw Moss (Syntrichia caninervis)

Steppe Screw Moss (Syntrichia caninervis), Pottiaceae Family. One of the most abundant desert mosses in the world, is found mostly on the west slope of Colorado in desert areas. On the western slope, it prefers growing under shrubs where winter snows persist into...
Golden Glade-moss (Rhytidium rugosum)

Golden Glade-moss (Rhytidium rugosum)

Golden Glade-moss (Rhytidium rugosum), Rhytidiaceae Family. A large, coarse, shaggy brownish moss that forms deep, but fairly loose cushions from the protected north slopes of the foothills to the alpine. It is quite easily recognized by its shaggy appearance and...
Common Water Moss (Fontinalis antipyretica)

Common Water Moss (Fontinalis antipyretica)

Common Water Moss (Fontinalis antipyretica), a moss in the Fontinalaceae Family. This is a large moss that is prefers growing in slow-moving water of creeks. The stems are very long and are attached to rocks under water. Its leaves are three-ranked which are only...
Ciliate Hedwig’s Moss (Hedwigia ciliata)

Ciliate Hedwig’s Moss (Hedwigia ciliata)

Ciliate Hedwig’s Moss (Hedwigia ciliata), is a moss in the Hedwigiaceae Family. It is a very common species in Colorado which almost always is found growing on granite rocks and cliffs in the foothills (to the alpine) where it forms patches of sprawling stems...
Silvery Bryum Moss (Bryum argenteum)

Silvery Bryum Moss (Bryum argenteum)

Silvery Bryum Moss (Bryum argenteum), Bryaceae Family. Grows from plains to alpine. This is a common species found in cracks in sidewalks but also sometimes found in cliff crevices and other dry, exposed, sandy or gravelly places. It is easily identified as the leaves...