Crinkled Snow Lichen (Flavocetraria nivalis) Photo taken by Mo Ewing on Wrangle Island in the Arctic Ocean. This species also grows in the alpine in Rocky Mountain National...
Frilly Drawers or Helmut Sunburst Lichen (Xanthomendoza galericulata) (Teloshistaceae family) is a foliose lichen with a distinct dark orange color. Using a handlens, one can ID X. galericulata by its soredia particulates clustered into “helmut-shapped” soralia. This...
Egg Yolk Lichen (Candelariella rosulans) in the Candelariaceae family, can be a bit variable in appearance, ranging from rosulate to lobate to squamulose but almost always distinguishable from other Candelariella species by its thick, convex thallus and broad spores....