Streamside Bluebells (Mertensia ciliata)

Streamside Bluebells (Mertensia ciliata)

Streamside Bluebells (Mertensia ciliata), Borage Family (Boraginaceae), native and common in moist places along streams and creeks, widespread throughout the state, Grows from the foothills to the alpine. and blooms from June through August on the eastern and western...
Parachute Penstemon (Penstemon debilis)

Parachute Penstemon (Penstemon debilis)

Parachute Penstemon (Penstemon debilis), Plantain Family (Plantaginaceae) is a Colorado endemic species, critically imperiled in Colorado and globally. This .species is uncommon on white shale talus slopes and is known only from Garfield County, in the montane on the...
Yellow Avens (Geum aleppicum)

Yellow Avens (Geum aleppicum)

Yellow Avens (Geum aleppicum), Rose Family (Rosaceae), native and found along streams, in moist meadows, or sometimes in dry spruce-pine forests, from the plains to the montane on the eastern and western slopes. Blooms from June through August. Photo by...
Beaked Sedge (Carex utriculata)

Beaked Sedge (Carex utriculata)

Beaked Sedge (Carex utriculata), Sedge Family (Cyperaceae), native and common along streams and lake margins, in bogs and marshes, and in meadows, from plains to subalpine on the eastern and western slopes. Blooms from June through September. Photo by LOraine...
Mountain Willow (Salix monticola)

Mountain Willow (Salix monticola)

Mountain Willow (Salix monticola), Willow Family (Salicaceae) is native and common along streams and rivers, in floodplains, and in moist meadows, from the plains to the alpine on the eastern and western slopes. Blooms from April through July. Photo by Mo...