Slender Tube Skyrocket (Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. tenuituba), Phlox Family (Polemoniaceae), native and common on open, gravelly slopes, in grassy or sagebrush meadows, and along roadsides, found in the north-central and west-central counties from the semi-desert...
Crested Prickly Poppy (Argemone polyanthemos), Poppy Family (Papaveraceae) is a native species common in sandy soil of dry grasslands and open slopes, often found along roadsides, known from the eastern plains and outer foothills and introduced on the western slope...
Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula), Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae) is an introduced species, classified as a B-list noxious weed in Colorado. It is common in disturbed areas, fields, grasslands, on floodplains, and along roadsides and streams from the plains to the lower...
Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense), Aster Family (Asteraceae), is an introduced species, classified as a B-list noxious weed in Colorado. It is common and widespread in disturbed places, along roadsides, and in fields and meadows, from the plains to the montane on the...
Wax Currant (Ribes cereum), Gooseberry Family (Grossulariaceae), is a native shrub common in rocky places and dry hillsides, sometimes in pinyon-juniper or sagebrush, from the plains to the alpine on the eastern and western slopes. Blooms from April through August....