Rocky Mountain Penstemon (Penstemon strictus), Plantain Family (Plantaginaceae) is a native and common species that grows on dry slopes and in meadows, sometimes found at lower elevations where it is cultivated or used in revegetation projections, Found from the...
Oneside Penstemon (Penstemon virgatus var. Asa Grayi), Plantain Family (Plantaginaceae) is a native and common species which grows in meadows and grasslands, on rocky hillsides, and pinyon-juniper forests. It is known from the central counties mostly along the Front...
Bleaky’s Penstemon (Penstemon bleaklyi), Plantain Family (Plantaginaceae) is a critically imperiled species in Colorado and globally. One specimen was discovered growing among rocks in the the Culebra Range of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains by Jennifer...
Nelson’s Physaria (Physaria nelsonii) in the Mustard Family (Brassicaceae). is a Physaria collected by Melissa Islam in 2014 on a Denver Botanic Gardens inventory trip to Moffat County. It was first identified as Physaria congesta, but seven years later Jennifer...
Common Sand Lily (Leucocrinum montanum), Agave Family (Agavaceae) is a native species which is common on grassy slopes, in prairies and grasslands, and in open forests from the plains to the foothills on the eastern and western slopes. Blooms from April through. Photo...