Please join us for the next CoNPS Conservation Committee Meeting Monday, February 3, from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm, in a virtual meeting. You do not need to be a member to join the meeting, all voices are welcome – Click here to receive a Zoom link
Join the Conservation Committee meeting to learn more about how we support native plants by monitoring and commenting on upcoming land use plans and legislation. Anyone is welcome to join the meeting. You can also sign-in to your member account and select the Conservation Committee to receive emails about the activities of the committee.
The Conservation Committee is a group of CoNPS volunteers who advocate for the native plants of Colorado by:
1. Making public comment on government management plans and policies, 2. Promoting and supporting federal, state and local legislation. 3. Writing articles for our Conserfation Corner Column in Aquilegia, CoNPS’ quarterly newsletter. 4. Serving as a clearinghouse of conservation issues for our society chapters. 5. Promoting and encouraging our members to participate in native plant conservation projects run by our conservation partner agencies .