Anna Freundlich, Master’s Student at University of Northern Colorado “Lichen and Vascular Plant Response to Bark Beetle Disturbance in the Roosevelt National Forest, Northwestern Colorado”. $1000
Rachel Kreb, Master’s student at Regis University was given $500 to study “Restoration and Cushion Plant Facilitation on Alpine Trails”.
Laurel Sindewald, Ph.D. student at University of Colorado Denver was given $960 to stucy “A survey of limber pine abundance and microhabitat at the alpine treeline ecotone of Rainbow Curve Overlook, Rocky Mountain National Park, USA”.
Maria Mullins, Master’s student, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs was given $500 to study “Aphids on Osha: the effect of host-plant phenology aphid populations”.
Rachael Sitz, Postdoctoral researcher Colorado State University was given $500 to study “Documenting the insect and microbial communities that utilize Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii Nutt.) to inform conservation management”.
Liam Cullinane, Master’s student at Denver Botanic Garden and the University of Colorado Denver was given $500 to study “Floristic and Ecological Inventory and Bee Faunal Survey of the High Line Canal in Denver, CO”.
And Katherine Fu, a Ph.D. student University of Colorado Denver was given $500 to study “Implications of Local Adaptation on Seed Sourcing for Restoration Under Climate Change”.