Join Our Mission & Research Grants Committee
Research Grants (Marr and Steinkamp Funds)
Objective: To Select the recipients of small grants from the John W. Marr Fund and the Myrna P. Steinkamp Memorial Fund. These separate funds honor the late Dr. John Marr, Professor at the University of Colorado and first President of the Colorado Native Plant Society, and Myrna Steinkamp, a founding member of the Colorado Native Plant Society who worked on behalf of the Society for many years in a variety of capacities.
Both funds were established to support field and laboratory research on the biology and natural history of Colorado native plants.
Mission Grants
Objective: To support research or other projects that contribute to the knowledge, appreciation, and conservation of native plants and habitats in Colorado. Grants will be awarded twice every calendar year, once in spring and once in fall. To be considered, spring proposals must be received by February 1st and fall proposals by August 1st. For more information on the scope of the grants and how to apply, go to Mission Grant Purpose & Application Process.